The Complete Compendium!

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Disquieting Endeavour Indeed.

Palmyra, April 14. 2008
Dear Arnold Shorey,

A very Disquieting endeavour the journey through your contemporary School ended up being; I had hardly happened through the door before I was struck by a level of disagreeable Flagrant Noise emanating about the building that I was wholly taken aback to the point of a Ghastly fear. Before I transgress on a Rant which would leave you with very little Idea of how to respond to, I shall convey upon you my own disposition on the intricacies of social interaction among Civilized peoples.

I, in my Youth, pledged to attempt to, in every instance, speak truth, as well as to speak ill of no man whatever, not even if it be in a matter of truth; that I should instead, in such a Circumstance, speak praise of all such a mans' good deeds mentioning not his faults. These actions are seemingly utterly lacking throughout the entirety of the establishment of Nokomis. In their place are the churlish Abyss gossip. Utterances of irreverence are quite bearable when handled through skillful conversation; yet the largest fault of those children about the halls were not handled in such a manner, not in the least. It seems, to speak candidly, that the level of Linguistic command which the youth of the world now are in possession of lacks the knowledge of the fundamentals of how to put such a thing as language into Practical everyday use; otherwise known as holding Conversations. I observed time and again countless people speaking overly much about themselves, while at the same time appearing to be trying to be disagreeable and wanting of a dispute.

Does this not strike your esteemed self as Unacceptably horrid?

Do you not feel as if you have failed in your efforts to educate these people on how to live out a successful civil life?

You need not worry overly much about how much of the fault rests upon your inadequacies as an instructor, for I have determined the root of these Destructive deficiencies in society. The Blame can be traced back to the lack of effort, and indeed the very need for effort afforded to the world through the advancements made upon my works of harnessing Electricity since my first Death. The epitome of these findings lies in a method of communications labeled "text Messaging", I gather that the general level of Accepted coherency is quite profoundly atrocious that even the most literate person stoops to the depths of blather when confronted with such a means of communication. It is therefor' more of my fault then yours that so much lunacy is seen throughout this days youth; had I not Accomplished my great Deeds, many would doubtlessly still today have been of a higher motivation, civility, and education level. Fear not, for the Blame lies not with yourself, but with the greater part of society; they having been unprepared to effectively Embrace my Astounding discoveries. I fear that not but me ever truly would have been, in truth. My Sincerest Apologies to the world for not having realized these consequences at an earlier date.
B Franklin

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Who is this ranting at you?