The Complete Compendium!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The World Is Flat: 5

The flat worlds effect on America will be to destroy it's superiority over all other nations, which we have comfortably assumed was our right to have for a few hundred years, by giving everyone, in every nation the same opportunities which we have taken for grant it. At first glance, this is a bad thing for America, and in many respects that is a completely true statement. The thing that we have to realize is, the question should not be whether the flat world is good for America, but whether or not the flat world is good for the entire world.

Yes, with embracing the flattening, Americans will no longer automatically have an advantage over everyone else, and yes the American economy will not be so rich, but what we need to do, is stop thinking of each nation as competing against each other (which isn't logical in the flat world), but as cooperating, as one global economy, which will undoubtedly gain a huge boost from the flattening of the world. If we do this and embrace the flattening, America will in the end benefit in that with the shear number of new minds which are now accessible, will come new technologies and ideas, for not only themselves, or even America, but the entire world to enjoy, which will never be possible if we do not embrace the flat world.

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